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Learn Computer Vision in C++ Step by Step PDF Notes

This book includes descriptions; working code models; and explanations of the C++ computer vision tools confined in the OpenCV 3.x library. Hence, it should be useful to different kinds of users:
1. Professionals and entrepreneurs
For working professionals who want to quickly prototype or professionally creating computer vision systems, the model code make available a quick frame that work with which to get started. Our explanations of the algorithms can easily teach or recall the reader how they actually work. OpenCV 3.x stays on top of a hardware acceleration layer (HAL). In this way, implemented algorithms can run effectively, seamlessly taking benefit of a diversity of hardware platforms.
2. Students
This is the script we desire had back in school. The instinctive explanations, thorough documentation, and model code will let you to boot up quicker in computer vision, work on more stimulating class projects, and eventually contribute new study to the field.
3. Teachers
Computer vision is a fast growing field. It is effective to have students quickly cover a manageable text while the teacher fills in formal explanation where required and additions that with current papers or guest lectures from professionals. The students can, in the meantime, start class projects prior and attempt more determined tasks.
4. Hobbyists
Computer vision is exciting. We have a solid focus on giving readers enough instinct, documentation, and working code to allow rapid application of real time vision applications.

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