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The DevOps Handbook Step by Step Learning of Agility, Reliability and Security in Technology Organizations

The agenda of the DevOps Guidebook is to provide the readers best knowledge about the theory, principles, and practices that you may need while starting successfully your DevOps initiative and attain your desired results. This guidance is totally centered on decades of thorough management theory, study of the organizations that are highly performing in technology, helping organizations to transform by our quality work, and the efficiency of the given DevOps practices validated by our researches. Moreover, discussions with pertinent subject matter professionals and examines of approximately hundred case studies presented at the DevOps Enterprise Conference.

This handbook covers DevOps theories and principles in different ways, a precise view of the underpinning theory initially presented in The Phoenix Project. The DevOps Guidebook is for every person those who executes or influences work in the technology value stream in which Product Management, Development, Quality Assurance, Information Technology Operations, and Information Security is included. Moreover, most technology initiatives originate in the area of business and marketing leadership, DevOps will be helpful. The reader is not estimated to have wide knowledge of these domains; or of DevOps; Agile, Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL); Lean, or process improvement. All these topics are introduced and well explained in the guide as it becomes needed.

Our commitment is to craft a working information of the critical ideas in each of these areas, both to assist as a textbook and also to present the language needed to help experts work with all their peers across the whole Information Technology value stream, and to frame common goals. This guide will be valuable to those business leaders and stakeholders who are gradually dependent upon the technology organization for the accomplishment of their goals.

Additionally, this guide is envisioned for readers whose organizations may not experiencing all the difficulties defined in the guide such as long deployment lead times or painful deployments. Even readers in this privileged position will understand DevOps principles, particularly those concerning to shared objectives, feedback, and constant learning.

In this guide, we present a short background knowledge of DevOps; present the underpinning theory; key themes from related bodies of knowledge that extent over decades. We then present in this guide, the high level values of the three different Ways including Flow, Feedback, Continual Learning, and Experimentation. We also defines how and where to take start, and presents ideas such as value streams, administrative design principles and patterns, administrative adoption patterns, and case studies.

While moving in the depth, we describe the method to accelerate Flow by building the basics of our deployment pipeline: allowing fast and operative automated testing, constant integration, uninterrupted delivery, and architecting for low-risk issues.

Lastly, we define a way to appropriately integrate security and acquiescence into our daily routine work, by incorporating preventative safety controls into shared source code sources and services. Furthermore, integrating security into our deployment pipeline; improving telemetry to better permit detection and retrieval; protective of the deployment pipeline, and attaining change management goals.

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